OSH Consultancy
In order to promote the culture of risk prevention, Y.T. & Associates S.A.C. has developed consultancy programs to suit each company.
We provide services oriented to care people in organizations, taking as a fundamental pillar generating a culture of prevention of safety and health at work, within the framework of legal regulations. |
Risk Management, Safety and Health at Work Consultancy. (Law 29783, DS 005-2012/TR)
Legal Compliance Audit (Multisector).
Audit focused on the identification of deviations.
Sensitization and creation of Preventive Culture.
Homologation Suppliers (Contractors).
OSH Service Professionals.
In House Training.
We design courses in your company or externally as required by the DS 005-2012 TR, EM 055-2010 DS, with experience and nuances of your company.
Some of our courses:
Legal Compliance Audit (Multisector).
Audit focused on the identification of deviations.
Sensitization and creation of Preventive Culture.
Homologation Suppliers (Contractors).
OSH Service Professionals.
In House Training.
We design courses in your company or externally as required by the DS 005-2012 TR, EM 055-2010 DS, with experience and nuances of your company.
Some of our courses:
- Legal aspects and responsibilities of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).
- Structure and OSH Management System.
- Culture of Risk Prevention and Occupational Safety Fundamentals.
- Hazard Research, Risk Assessment (HIRA) and Security Measures.
- Formation of the Joint Committee, Sub-committees and Security Supervisors.
- Preventive measures in their local.
- How to face an inspection Safety and Health at Work.
- First Aid applied to the home and office. (Theoretical or theoretical / practical)